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Friday, August 31, 2012

Psychedelic, Baby

I have developed a particular fondness for brightly colored hair.

The above picture is me in five years. (Yeah right; like my mom would let me do that.)

This is me now.
Well, as drawn by a KidPubbian friend. Unfortunately, it looks nothing like the real me. (Thanks to Calla for the AWESOME picture!!!)

In honest reality, this is me now. Yeah. (Nice picture, no? It's all lovely and abstract) Thankfully, I do have my cheap Claire's clip-in streaks, although the pink one got kinda frizzy at the bottom.
Yesterday it was my Grandma's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDMA!), and our whole family was over there last night. I was carrying some cupcakes outside when my ADORABLE four year old cousin noticed that my hair was, in fact, glowing.
The streaks are psychedelic.
I have never felt cooler. Like, ever.
On a slightly different note, I'd like to inform you all that the 2012 LeNerd Bedroom Resdesigning has begun. My room, as of now, is soft pink with this velvet coating on it. Cute for a little kid, but not for me. Ideally, it will be neon green on one wall, neon pink on another, cork board on yet another and chalkboard pain on the last one. As long as we're talking about things that will never happen as long as my mom is supervising this, I'd also like a red door, hard wood floors and more bookshelves. (My Star Wars novels are taking up a lot of space.)
In reality, it will probably end up being one {neon} color, the same white carpet and a normal door. I'm planning on completely covering one wall with posters and pictures, but other than that, my ideal room is definitely not gonna happen.
However, I did win on the ideal bed. It's actually just two mattresses stacked on the floor, but I think it's mass awesome. I'm looking for the perfect blanket and sheets still (hopefully a black comforter cover with pink sheets), but we're halfway there.
I also rearranged my dressers so that they're on either side of the bed. They are wildly unmatching, but they both kinda match the bookshelves that I have stacked on top of them. Unfortunately, the bookshelves are not as big as I thought they would be, so I need more of them.
Here's the top yea's and nay's of my current room:
Cool but slightly out of place comforter cover- Nay.
Holographic trash can- Yae.
Crowded Star Wars novels- Nay. Star Wars novels themselves- Yae.
Bookshelves (organized by author, if I might add)- Yae.
Little kid-y pink walls- Nay.

Abraham Lincoln in Jamaican hat and dreds- YAE.

May the Force be ever in your favor.
xx Kati

More LeNerds

Today is Norbert's birthday, so I decided to make a little tribute for my three pets.
This is Rocco in one of his very rare calm lapses. He's five years old, completely trained and still convinced that he's a puppy, which means that if you pet him, he will tackle you and lick your face off.
This is our oldest pet, Cozmo. My pet raising experience has awared me of a personality defect: I definitely play favorites. Cozmo was a present for my third birthday, so he is not half as young as Rocco. He's pretty social, for a cat, and has a particular fondness of crawling into purses when we have guests. He used to come into my room when I was supposed to be sleeping when he was a kitten. Usually we had staring contests, which he usually won by pawing me in the eye, or he would jump on my bed and attack my feet. Now he is much less active and usually just sleeps in one of the warm, sunny places in our house, but he is still the best cat in the world.
That's Norbert. And this is pretty much all he does. He's one today. Happy birthday, you lazy little furball.

One of Rocco's favorite pass times is staring out windows, supervising the goings on of the outside world (be it birds, neighbors, cars or the Youngling.) and voicing his opinion on how they should proceed loudly enough to rouse both of his fellow pets.
Cozmo also has a serious weight issue going on. What used to be a small, fuzzy cat is now a large, fluffy glob of chub. Seriously. I can (and have) hid the Youngling's Lego minifigures in Cozmo's chunkiness and he won't find them until Cozmo gets up. It's quite amusing, especially when Rocco starts chasing him and he speed-waddles away, discarding Legos as he goes.
Once, Caribou was coming over and let herself in. Rocco, not knowing who it was, started growling menacingly from another room. He then came racing in to protect me- with his blankie. My hero.

May the Force be ever in your favor.

xx Kati

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Melts and Maltitivity

Tonight I got a call from my four year old cousin, Bear, asking us if we wanted to go out to eat with them. Actually, it was the Youngling who answered the phone. After asking our mom if it was okay, he asked Bear if her parents had agreed to this. She promptly went to ask her mom, but I thought it was extremely amusing that it had even crossed the Youngling's mind that Bear had just picked up their phone and dialed our number to ask us out to dinner. I can totally picture the conversation:
Bear: Hey, this Youngling?
Youngling: Yeah.
Bear: It's Bear. Hey, wanna hit Snuffy's tonight?
Youngling: Uh, sure.
Bear: Great. Pick me up in five.
Anyways, we did end up going to Snuffy's Malt Shop later on. I haven't been there in, like, forever, and the last time I was there, I think I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich. So I had never really been exposed to true Snuffy's awesomeness. I ordered a California burger. (Yay for originality. *Sarcasm*.)
It. Was. Awwwwwwesome.
Seriously, you have not tasted a burger until you've tasted Snuffy's. I finished it in about five minutes.
Of course, you can't really go to a malt shop without ordering malts. So we did. I split a chocolate coffee malt (called chocofflate-we had a pretty heated debate about whether it was choco-ful-latte or choco-full-ate. Turned out to be choco-full-aht.) with my mom, the Youngling got a strawberry and Bear and her parents split a Fudge Scotchie. (Bear, having never heard of a malt, renamed them melts. She is SO adorable.) Bear's equally adorable baby brother, Mallow, had about an inch of a strawberry-fudge-scotchie in a little cup, most of which ended up smeared across his face.

The "melts", too, were Wooking amazing. I love Snuffy's whole theme, too; very muchly 50's and 60's rock, red cushion benches, juke box, and a personalized mural of Boulevard of Broken Dreams. It's so kewal.
Earlier today, I also found the Youngling surveying our front yard.
I didn't even ask.

May the Force be ever in your favor.

xx Kati

FALL | Part 1

As any true Minnesotan can tell you, fall is the season of three primary things (four, if you, like me, enjoy life's simple pleasures.)
1. The Minnesota State Fair
2. School
3. Weather change
And sometimes
4. Watching your family rake up all your leaves into giant piles and then jumping in them, thus depointalizing their efforts and screwing up your yard.
Yup, it's fall.
Well, school hasn't started quite yet, the weather is still 10wooking2 degrees, and all the leaves on our trees are still green and not on the ground. However, the state fair, at least, has begun. My parents tooks me and the Youngling to it on Sunday, so I can officially say that fall is upon us!!!!

Here's a picture of a tiny fragment of the massive amounts of people who usually come to the fair. I'm pretty sure one of the requirments for being Minnesotan is that you must attend the fair every year.

This probably goes without saying, but NO State Fair experience is complete without cheese curds. They are the building blocks of the fair, the foundation on which the great Minnesota get together sits upon, the sole reason a lot of people even come. Here's a little insider LeNerd secret: The best cheese curds at the fair are in the Food building, over in that corner where all they sell is huge masses of cheesy goodness. We also tried jalapenos stuffed with cheese and meat and wrapped in bacon (and then probably deep fried.). If you decide to try them, make sure you have something to drink nearby.
Sweet Martha's Cookies are also a must at the fair. They have two locations on the fairgrounds, but it is so worth the walk. I have yet to find a cookie more ridiculously delectable than these.
Lastly, as gross as it sounds, my new favorite state fair food is fried green tomatoes. Don't even ask; just buy.

We also spent a lot of time in the animal barns. I very much like the sheep barn, especially the adorable little sheeplings. Mostly they were just being boring and crowding in one corner to try and stay close to the fan, but they're just so CUTE.

Then we went to the poultry barn to see poultry such as


And bunnies. Not sure when bunnies were declared poultry, but hey, they're pretty cute.

We also went to the Midway, which has become considerably lamer over the years. My main interest was the roller coaster, so that was the first thing we did. The Youngling had never been on any roller coasters except for the Pepsi Orange Streak at the Mall of America, so it took a little coaxing to get him onto the ride. I convinced him that it was really fun and that it was over mass quickly, and that he wouldn't be able to feel the hills or loops at all.
Yeah. It turned out to be a little bit scarier than I had anticipated.
After that we stuck to his favorite fun houses and the Ferris Wheel.
So yeah. Pretty fair-y day at the fair.
We also had our school Open House last night, yet another sign that fall is on the way. I'm pretty happy with my locker and schedule. Me and Squid have a large amount of classes together (including gym- Thank Yoda), and W has LA with us. I covered my locker in pictures (like, covered-you can't really see the locker anymore.) and I already have my combo memorized. Yay. I'll try to get a few pictures of my locker if I get a chance, but until then:
May the Force be ever in your favor.
xx Kati

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Velcome, velcome....

Hello, fellow dwellers of my world. Not to imply world domination. That's not what I meant.
Hello, fellow Earthlings. If you're not from Earth, you're Wooking awesome. What galaxy?
Hello. My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
No, Luke. I am your father.
Hey. Hi. How are you?
Well, welcome to Nerdy n' I Know It, the official website of KT LeNerd, a.k.a. me. Shallom.
I'm not really sure how one goes about starting a blog, so if this first post is a little antagonizing or boring-to-the-point-of-death, please bear with me. I PROMISE the rest of my blog posts will not be like this.
I'm going to start with information about me, just.... 'cause.

AGE: 13 in a week. AHHHH!!!!

  • Mom and Dad
  • Little brother (whose name is the Youngling)
  • Dog (Rocco. He's pretty fat and dumb, as dogs go.)
  • Cat (Cozmo, but most unfortunately we had to give him away.)
  • Fish (Norbert. He's a hamster. And thus utterly boring beyond belief)
  • Squid (female)
  • Caribou (female and technically my sister, since we've known each other since... like, forever.)
  • W (female)
  • Mark (male)
  • Pony (male)
  • Juju (female and also my cousin)
  • Kiki (female and slightly my sister)
  • Isaac (male and slightly my brother)
  • Zack (male and slightly amazing)
WEBSITES (I know, not mass biographical.):
  • (an absolutely epyk writing website- I'm Kat, if you wanna check it out)
  • (the FUNNIEST website evah)
  • (my #1 pass time)
  • the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel
  • (how can you not love it?!?)
  • How to Rock Braces and Glasses (Meg Haston)
  • Each Little Bird That Sings (Deborah Wiles) 
  • anything by Elizabeth Enright or Leslie M. M. Blume
  • Looking for Alaska (John Green)
  • any Star Wars novels
  • a mass large amount of others.
I am planning on making a book tab on this soon, so be looking for it (But not too hard. As any of my friends will tell you, I am Captain Procrastinator.).
  • Hey Soul Sister (Train)
  • Drops of Jupiter (Train)
  • anything by James Blunt
  • anything by John Williams
  • Stereo Hearts (Gym Class Heroes)
  • Outside Looking In (Jordan Pruitt)
  • Tango De Amor (from the Addams Family Musical)
  • Hey Princess (Allstar Weekend).
  • Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • A New Hope
  • Attack of the Clones
  • The Phantom Menace
  • Me and Orson Welles (Zac Efron is preeeetty gorgeous in that)
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's (Audrey Hepburn dominates.)
  • Harrison Ford (*sighs*)
  • Augustus Prew
  • Zac Efron
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Audrey Hupburn
  • Christian McKay
  • Carrie Fisher.
PERSON: Han Solo. What's not to totally and utterly and absolutely ADORE???
SPORT: Baseball. Go Twins. YESH.

NERD STUFF: I am a complete and utter Star Wars geek. I am also rather obsessed with the Princess Bride, classic rock, Star Wars, alternetive rock, duct tape, nerd glasses, Star Wars and science. Oh yeah, and Star Wars.
SCHOOL STUFF: I audition for the school One Act Play and Musical every year, plus I direct, produce, script and act in our school's news show. I utterly adore Language Arts and Science, and I utterly detest gym.
FOOD: Chocolate. Mwahahahahaha. Chocolate.
That's about it. I guess I'm a bit bland, as teenagers go, but zat's okay.
So this blog isn't supposed to be a stereotypical blog that trashes on fellow Earthlings slightly nonstop, cuz I don't like to think of myself as terribly stereotypical. (Although, look at the title... Ha ha...) To be perfectly honest, the exact purpose of this blog is not entirely clear to me yet, but the Force shall guide me through it. Mwaha.
I'm gonna end this post here before I start rambling and utterly bore you to death, which would be unfortunate as you are so far my only viewers. I will TRY to post every day, but as I am a middle schooler, that might turn into significantly less. Bear with me. :D
May the Force be ever in your favor, Earthlings, Martians and Star Wars Galatians.
xx Kati