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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Writer's Great Wall of China (and the lovely side effects)

Part of being able to fancy yourself a writer is being able to accurately diagnose yourself with Writer's Block. I'm far past the point of Writer's Block now. It's fast becoming Writer's Great Wall of China.
This is a bit of a problem as I went through two whole half novels last year (rough draft, mind you, and one was in verse. Neither were even close to decent.) and now cannot even come up with an acceptable plot line. It's incredibly discouraging and, most unfortunately, lasts for long periods of time.
But in the mean time, I've been spending the time that I used to use to write wasting my life on the Internet.
Today I used it to see if WebMD diagnoses Writer's Block. My symptoms were as follow:
  • Headaches
  • Binge eating (okay, not really, but I do get hungry when I'm bored)
  • Decreased school performence
  • Dizziness (but that might have something to do with the fact that I sleep, like, seven hours a day. *sigh*)
  • Fatigue (see above)
  • Food cravings
  • Hunger (this is getting redundent)
  • Short Attention Span
  • Socially withdrawed (that one's just my nerdiness kicking in)
So I most likely have viral syndrome, but there's also a possibility I have anorexia, mumps, diabetes, schizophrenia, tuberculosis, pregnancy or Mad Cow Disease. So. There's the undying reliablity of the Internet for ya.
I also spent two hours reading and rereading and having the depressing little voice that comes with the software read my science textbook- which, I might add, is 10th grade biology. Aw yeah. Unfortunately I understood about 3% of it, and that was only because I decided to compare the structures of cells to Jell-O. Even with that ground-breaking analogy, I failed to grasp the subject. So if anyone out there has read and understood Chapter 3 of the Holt & McDougal Biology textbook, my email is on the side bar.
On a happier note, my grandparents, who have season tickets to my utterly favorite theater, cannot use their tickets to Billy Elliot tonight so GUESS WHO'S GOING TO A MUSICAL TONIGHT?!?!?! Yeeeeesssssssssssssss! I've already seen the play with my cousin and it's pretty Wooking epyktastical. So. Am I psyched out of my mind? Yes.
In (honors) LA, we are reading The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, and it's rather awesome. We are doing a whole load of Shakespeare stuff with it and IT IS LIKE THE ONLY THING IN THESE CLASSES THAT I UNDERSTAND. Kewally enough, I am the only one in my class who fully gets it, which is probably because I'm the only one dorky enough to worship Shakespeare. Zack, Kiki, Isaac and I (plus a few other guys) are working in a middle school production of Hamlet, which is my mass favorite play EVER, and guess who is Ophelia.
You're talking to her.
Kiki's in charge of hair and makeup and she thinks I would portray my character better if I dyed my hair the same color as hers (i.e. pink), which has created some debate on the set. (To see the issue's first mentioning, check out the most recent comments in the NIKI Book tab.) Make sure you vote on the newest poll to help us settle this dispute!!!
Lastly, I have rediscoverd kpop. And yes, I am obsessed. (Specifically with G-Dragon from BigBang and 2NE1.) It's just. So. Fantastic.
So. That's about it. Time to try to understand the moucular buildup of cells.
Oh yeah, congradulations to the ever amazing L.S. Tredom on KidPub, who is currently celebrating his SECOND YEARAVERSARY!!!!! YEAH!!!! Happy yearaversary, dude. We all love ya. (The phenomenalness begins here)

May the Force be ever in your favor,
xx Kati

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chomped by the Trojans

AHHHH!!! Weasel!!!!
Actually it's a fisher (I think). Regardless, his name is Shirley and he is on my cabin wall and I love him most dearly. My cabin is extremely outdoors-y (almost cheesily so) and is in an isolated part of an isolated town in an isolated section on Minnesota. The town is one of those small towns that are so small, they don't put the population on their little green welcome sign. But I utterly adore it. I spent the weekend there, and it SNOWED on the way there. Real snow!!!! It's Wooking October!!!

Another great thing about fall? Homecoming. YEAH. I went to our game in the past few weeks with the ever awesome W, who painted her eyebrows and nose white and blue with my face paint. At our high school, there is a large hill that most of the middle schoolers simultaneously gather on to talk and not watch the game, which is what we did. The only downside was that it was windy and the hill's grass has long since been uprooted by middle schooler's feet and was thus VERY dusty. My Vans turned kind of orange. Also, the hill is extremely steep, so (and being me probably did nothing to help this) I fell about 80 times. On the bright side, it was also increasingly easy to push people into other people, which is extremely immature but never gets old. So I spent the first half listening to people and shoving them into others. Then it was half time, and we were losing by 14, and apparently the half time show was extremely cool but I wasn't aware that it was going on, so I don't know if it was. My loving father said that a helicopter could've landed on the field and we wouldn't have noticed. Probably true.
I spent the second half terrorizing talking with Pony and his friends (actually, it ended up being a surprisingly civilized and amusing conversation), who are actually very much hilarious. We ended up losing the game by 14, but I wasn't too upset about that as my cousin plays for the opposing team (the Trojans).
As for our homecoming attire, I think I'll have to add on an "ed by" after the "chomped":
On a totally unrelated note, the Youngling has taken a liking to Andrew Lloyd Webber. I feel my duty as an older sister is complete. A few weeks ago, he was humming something and I told him it sounded like Variations 1-4. Obviously, he didn't know what that was, so I showed him it and he is now obsessed with it. He's borrowing my Andrew Lloyd Webber CD, and I cannot tell you how proud I am when I walk past his room and he's listening to Jesus Christ Superstar or Magical Mister Mistoffelees or the Phantom of the Opera theme. When I was babysitting him a few days ago, I made him watch Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat, which, although he refuses to admit it, I think he really liked. He thinks Pharaoh's Song and the "block-head dancers" are hilarious, and I found him watching Potiphar on YouTube this morning. And coincidentally, Donny Osmond was on Johnny Bravo this weekend. It was pretty much the funniest thing ever.
May the odds be ever in your favor,
xx Kati

(thanks to and for pictures)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October

I could seriously not be more excited that it is October.
Yes, September's awesome in its own Septembery ways, but October's just... October.
As October is arguably my favorite month, this post is going to be 100% (you guessed it) Octobery. Here we go.

October got its name from the Roman emperor, Octavian Caesar (also known as Caesar Augustus), and the Latin root "octo", meaning eight. In the Roman calender, October was the eighth month. (Click here for more October history)

Our school's drama club held auditions for the one act play, Council, last week, and believe it or not, I got a part. An admittably small part (6 lines, 1.5 scenes), but a part none the less. My name is Condor. I'm a condor. I did not know what a condor was until I read the script and Googled it. (It's a bird. A bit of an ugly bird, too.) Yeah, it's not the big lead I was hoping for, but I'm still very much psyched to be in it. October is our rehersing month, with the 29th-3rd being tech week, and we open in November. It's a pretty crunched time period, but I think I already know my lines.

Halloween, as I'm sure everyone's aware, is also in October (YES). I adore Halloween. Everything about it is just awesome. Unfortunately I'm getting a bit old to trick or treat, but who cares? For costume options, I kind of had trouble deciding between
The ever awesome Wednesday Addams,
An equally fantabulous flapper girl,
The amazing-beyond-words Dead Bride and

Ruby Gloom. Ruby is the star of my all time favorite, G-rated TV show, Ruby Gloom. I wasn't quite sure if she was really in the running until I saw this amazing picture:
 So. That pretty much narrows it down to the Bride and Ruby. (Please make sure to vote on the second poll with your opinion!)

This October, me, my mom and my grandma are also going to CHICAGO for a few days, which I am utterly thrilled about. I'll keep you posted on that when it comes up.

Lastly, fall is officially here.
Leaves and serious weather changes (it's freaking 40 degrees)? Check.
State fair? Check. 

School and all the, ah, loveliness that comes with it? Check.

One step left. I'll have to go get the Youngling to rake up some leaves for me.

May the Force be ever in your favor,

xx Kati

(Please note that I don't own any of the Halloween pictures. Thanks to Sounds From my Garage for the Wednesday picture, Scavenge Costumes for the flapper girl picture, Laura-Ferreira for the Dead Bride picture, Ruby Gloom wiki for the first Ruby Gloom picture, and LavenderYuki for the second Ruby Gloom picture. All rights to them)



Oh. My. Wooking. Yoda.
Can't even talk. Just look:

Over the weekend we emptied my room pretty much completely and painted the dressers, bookshelves and walls white. After reassembling the room and adding those Jedily awesome bed covers, we finished everything else, resulting in the best room in human history.
Best features of the room:
  • A wall of my favorite posters including Star Wars, the Addams Family and, yes, Albert Einstein
  • my desk, dry-erase calender, greenboard and chair that the Youngling put together all by himself
(note the trash can!!!)
  •  These cool green shelves that were at one point on my walls and now hold my Shakespeare books, plus the same bedside table and these drawers from my mom's computer area
  • This fantabulous bed that cannot be described in words (Different note: Bear and Mallow came over to check out the room and literally could not stop rubbing their faces on the throw. They had to be lured away by the Youngling with stuffed animals and toy cars.)
  • A RED DOOR!!!!
And last but DEFINITELY not least...

  • This. I can't even describe how awesome this is. Thanks to the ever inspirational Pinterest, my mom found this design and replicated it with me and Caribou. In case you don't have supersight like the rest of us and can't see the picture very well, it's a heart of pictures. I utterly adore it. It's impossible not to smile around it. It's just awesome.

May the Force be ever in your favor,

xx Kati