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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Writer's Great Wall of China (and the lovely side effects)

Part of being able to fancy yourself a writer is being able to accurately diagnose yourself with Writer's Block. I'm far past the point of Writer's Block now. It's fast becoming Writer's Great Wall of China.
This is a bit of a problem as I went through two whole half novels last year (rough draft, mind you, and one was in verse. Neither were even close to decent.) and now cannot even come up with an acceptable plot line. It's incredibly discouraging and, most unfortunately, lasts for long periods of time.
But in the mean time, I've been spending the time that I used to use to write wasting my life on the Internet.
Today I used it to see if WebMD diagnoses Writer's Block. My symptoms were as follow:
  • Headaches
  • Binge eating (okay, not really, but I do get hungry when I'm bored)
  • Decreased school performence
  • Dizziness (but that might have something to do with the fact that I sleep, like, seven hours a day. *sigh*)
  • Fatigue (see above)
  • Food cravings
  • Hunger (this is getting redundent)
  • Short Attention Span
  • Socially withdrawed (that one's just my nerdiness kicking in)
So I most likely have viral syndrome, but there's also a possibility I have anorexia, mumps, diabetes, schizophrenia, tuberculosis, pregnancy or Mad Cow Disease. So. There's the undying reliablity of the Internet for ya.
I also spent two hours reading and rereading and having the depressing little voice that comes with the software read my science textbook- which, I might add, is 10th grade biology. Aw yeah. Unfortunately I understood about 3% of it, and that was only because I decided to compare the structures of cells to Jell-O. Even with that ground-breaking analogy, I failed to grasp the subject. So if anyone out there has read and understood Chapter 3 of the Holt & McDougal Biology textbook, my email is on the side bar.
On a happier note, my grandparents, who have season tickets to my utterly favorite theater, cannot use their tickets to Billy Elliot tonight so GUESS WHO'S GOING TO A MUSICAL TONIGHT?!?!?! Yeeeeesssssssssssssss! I've already seen the play with my cousin and it's pretty Wooking epyktastical. So. Am I psyched out of my mind? Yes.
In (honors) LA, we are reading The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, and it's rather awesome. We are doing a whole load of Shakespeare stuff with it and IT IS LIKE THE ONLY THING IN THESE CLASSES THAT I UNDERSTAND. Kewally enough, I am the only one in my class who fully gets it, which is probably because I'm the only one dorky enough to worship Shakespeare. Zack, Kiki, Isaac and I (plus a few other guys) are working in a middle school production of Hamlet, which is my mass favorite play EVER, and guess who is Ophelia.
You're talking to her.
Kiki's in charge of hair and makeup and she thinks I would portray my character better if I dyed my hair the same color as hers (i.e. pink), which has created some debate on the set. (To see the issue's first mentioning, check out the most recent comments in the NIKI Book tab.) Make sure you vote on the newest poll to help us settle this dispute!!!
Lastly, I have rediscoverd kpop. And yes, I am obsessed. (Specifically with G-Dragon from BigBang and 2NE1.) It's just. So. Fantastic.
So. That's about it. Time to try to understand the moucular buildup of cells.
Oh yeah, congradulations to the ever amazing L.S. Tredom on KidPub, who is currently celebrating his SECOND YEARAVERSARY!!!!! YEAH!!!! Happy yearaversary, dude. We all love ya. (The phenomenalness begins here)

May the Force be ever in your favor,
xx Kati

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