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Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolutions | Before

Every year on New Years Eve, we have a family night with me, the Youngling, my mom, my dad, Rocco, Cozmo and Norbert (the last of whom usually just sleeps in his hamster bowl.). We have crab, which is ALWAYS amazing. Once we tried fondue, but the table started on fire. So. No. After that, we do our New Years Resolutions. We usually have 5 that we write down in the Sacred LeNerd Book of Stuff every year, along with a saying that we like. Then the next year we start our resolutions by going through our old ones and either putting a smiley face, a sad face, or a expressionless face based on how we did with the resolution, then write down our new ones. After that, we each get half an hour to do whatever we want with everyone else. So it's pretty fun.
Anyways, I actually looked at my resolutions before New Years (usually I just fail):
1. Write at least 3 times a week
2. Learn guitar or bass guitar
3. Create a blog
4. Be optimistic
5. Get a record player
So I actually did stuff. I wrote a lot, I can play Freight Train on the Youngling's guitar, I (obviously) made NIKI, I'm kinda optimistic (ha, yeah right) and yeah. I didn't get a record player, but I did buy an Alice Cooper record for my cabin which... doesn't count. But still.
After that, I flipped through the rest of the book and decided there were some things funny enough to make
THE 2012

STOP ONE: 2005-2006
Resolutioner: The Youngling
I cannot get over how adorable this is. Three year old Youngling. HE'S SO CUTE.
STOP TWO: 2007-2008
Resolutioner: KT LeNerd
Okay, what the heck is this? It does not sound safe. I'm actually pretty sure this game was not actually a designated, titled activity, but just my very very exaggerative imagination working. 

How does one climb half a mountain...?
Pretty sure an eight year old can't legally start a business, but it's a smiley face, nonetheless.
And write a book??? The only finished book I've ever written is a seven page Jack and Annie fanfic when I was 5. But apparently I wrote one in second grade too.

WHY IS IT A STRAIGHT FACE? I was still learning single-handed Ode to Joy in second grade!
I also saw the Youngling's saying for this year:
Me: Whoa. That's... deep... He was, what, five when he said this? Seriously-
Then I saw my saying on the page before:
Me:..... Gotcha.

STOP THREE: 2008-2009
Resolutioner: The Youngling
.... What?
Resolutioner: KT LeNerd
.... Again, where did this come from?

STOP FOUR: 2010-2011
Resolutioner: The Youngling
I'm just gonna let this one speak for itself.
And then the next year...
STOP FIVE: 2011-2012
Resolutioner: The Youngling
In case we weren't clear. Note the actual, as opposed to.... what...?
More or less, he did manage to poke a cow at the State Fair (did I already say that in September?), so we'll see what he comes up with next.
Thus ends our pre-'13 tour. Stay tuned for New Years Resolutions | After, which will *hopefully* be out tomorrow!!!

xx Kati

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Quick debriefing:

The Council is over (actually, it was over a long time ago, but...). I only messed up once in the full cast scene ("Man has the right to the trees, waters, air, ground, and... ground...") which is wonderful. The day after our last show, I auditioned for our musical, Dear Edwina which is REALLY cheesy but pretty good. I'm Aphrodite.
I sing.
*head desk*
I don't know why I got the part, especially since I'm an alto and Aphrodite's highest note IS A FREAKING HIGH E. I'm working on it, though. No guarantees that it's anywhere near good, but still.
My Avengers obsession, as I'm sure you can tell, has swelled to an enormous addiction that is probably not healthy (I spend my free time talking to Tony and Steve and Tasha), but I utterly ADORE them. So much.
And my writer's block is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have started up a sci-fi/romance/action novella (which is fast becoming a novel, since there's 3 chapters and 30ish pages) which is actually not as bad as I thought it would be. I will be releasing it on KidPub after Valentine's Day. (But I do need more editors, as right now I only have a very busy language arts teacher working on it which is awesome. Anyone interested please email me at with your name, age and any past literary experiences)
The Youngling and I also filmed a few short videos starring children of the Avengers (so far we just have Peggy, i.e. me, the daughter of Stony, and Burt, i.e. the Youngling, the son of Bruce, who magically became pregnant one day. Also mentioned have been Shield, Nick Fury and a friend of mine's daughter, Jane, the daughter of Thor and my other friend, and the unnamed child of Clint and Tasha.) which are actually pretty funny, thanks to the creepy Anna Lee dolls that my grandma has that fall down on their own and thus seem alive. We also found an eyeless doll in the guest bedroom that almost made the Youngling wet himself. Ah, youth.
So that's about it. Thanks to everyone who is actually still reading this (my little two month break might've lost a few followers...)!!!

xx Kati



  • Epyklly vintagey Avengers shirt
  •  Avengers pajamas (courtesy of the Youngling)

  •  An Avengers calender (complete with two whole Coulson pictures and a whole month of Loki- AHHH)

  •  An absolutely amAZING phone case
  •  Pens!!!!
  •  Chunky action figures from my friend Sonoma
  •  A Hulk transformer from my cousin
  •  Nontransformer action figures from my cousin
  •  Lego Loki (the Youngling knows me so well)
  •  REALLY good Chapstick and
  •  The freaking awesomest poster in the eight realms.
  • And some other normal person stuff.
I bought the Youngling a Marvel Lego set, which he "couldn't fit in his room" so he's letting me keep it in my room. Guess who my best friend is.

Also, check the new lockscreen:

Clever, no? Ha ha....
Hope y'all had an awesome holiday season. Glad the world didn't end (stupid Mayans). My New Years Resolution is to post more, so I will see you in 2013!!!

xx Kati